Down There Where the Spirit Meets the Bone
Estimate delivery times: 3-5 days (Hong Kong) with SF Express, paid upon delivery.

Estimate delivery times: 3-5 days (Hong Kong) with SF Express, paid upon delivery.
波斯尼亞攝影師 Nihad Nino Pušija 自 1992 年以來一直在柏林工作,這本攝影集匯集了這30 年的照片,除了對羅馬攝影的藝術關注外,還展示了前南斯拉夫的印象、內戰場景和變裝皇后的偉大黑白肖像柏林俱樂部。書名引用了美國詩人Miller Williams的一首詩,德文譯本的開頭是「對你遇到的每個人都有同情心」(Habe Mitgefühl für alle, denen du begegnest)。
該書是享譽國際的柏林攝影書出版商兼書商Hannes Wanderer於2018年9月9日在柏林意外離世前親自掌管的最後一本書。它以 Peperoni Books 的名義印刷,標誌著為攝影服務的非凡生活的結束。
Have compassion for everyone you meet, even if they don't want it. What seems conceit, bad manners, or cynicism is always a sign of things no ears have heard, no eyes have seen. You do not know what wars are going on down there where the spirit meets the bone.
Habe Mitgefühl für alle, denen du begegnest, selbst wenn sie es nicht wollen. Was als Dünkel, schlechte Manieren oder Zynismus erscheint, es sind immer Anzeichen für etwas, das keine Ohren vernommen und keine Augen gesehen. Du weißt nicht, welche Kriege geführt werden.
The first comprehensive monograph by photographer Nihad Nino Pušija, who comes from Bosnia and has been working in Berlin since 1992, spans more than 30 years of work under the eponymous line of poetry by Miller Williams.
Lith Bahlmann and Matthias Reichelt, together with the graphic artist Jürgen W. Lisken, composed the recordings into an unsettling stream of images that begins with memories of the peaceful coexistence of different ethnic groups and religions in former Yugoslavia and soon descends into the abyss of a murderous war and its effects that continue to this day. A red – and by no means just metaphorically blood-red – thread runs through the book.
The book is the last publication that the internationally renowned Berlin photo book publisher and book dealer Hannes Wanderer was in charge of himself before he died unexpectedly on September 9, 2018 in Berlin. Printed under the name Peperoni Books, it marks the end of an extraordinary life in the service of photography.
Lehmstedt Verlag, which has always been on friendly terms with Peperoni, 25books and Hannes Wanderer, is proud to be able to distribute THE LAST BOOK OF PEPERONI and present the great photographs by Nihad Nino Pušija to a broad public.