Anja Niedringhaus (1965–2014) is one of the most important photographers of her generation. On behalf of the EPA (European Press Photo Agency) and later AP (Associated Press), she reported from crisis areas such as the Balkans, Iraq, Libya and again and again from Afghanistan. There the photographer was shot dead by an assassin on April 4, 2014, while she was reporting on the presidential elections. Her recordings are lasting documentation of the suffering and will to survive of the people. Her complete oeuvre, which, in addition to pictures from war regions, also includes brilliant portraits
and sports photography is characterized by human involvement, dynamic imagery and an eye for detail. Numerous awards, including the first Pulitzer Prize for a German photographer in 2005, made her an icon during her lifetime.
Anja Niedringhaus is one of the most important photographers of her generation. She reported on crisis areas such as the Balkans, Iraq, Libya and, time and again, Afghanistan. Here, on April 4th, 2014, she was killed by an assassin during her coverage of the presidential elections. Her photographs are lasting documents of human suffering and the will to survive. Numerous awards, including the Pulitzer Prize in 2005, made her an icon during her own lifetime.