【新書】The Pillowman

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【新書】The Pillowman - Mi Spacium Design Studio -
【新書】The Pillowman
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The Pillowman is a 2003 play by British-Irish playwright Martin McDonagh. It received its first public reading in an early version at the Finborough Theatre, London, in 1995, also a final and completed version of the play was publicly read in 1998 and then finished and released as a book in some places in 1999. Production started in 2000 for the eventual 2003 performance. It tells the tale of Katurian, a fiction writer living in a police state, who is interrogated about the gruesome content of his short stories and their similarities to a number of bizarre child murders occurring in his town. The play received the 2004 Olivier Award for Best New Play, the 2004-5 New York Drama Critics' Circle Award for Best New Foreign Play, and two Tony Awards for production. It was nominated for the 2004 Evening Standard Award for Best New Play. 


本周誠意推介:馬丁·麥多納(Martin McDonagh)《枕頭人》


此劇起用不少好戲的舞台劇演員,而且不少場景設計亦強調劇場感,令筆者在選擇今期介紹的好書時,想起不少曾在舞台搬演的作品。首先有芥川龍之介的《羅生門》,繼而有卡夫卡的《審判》(Der Prozess)。前者與戲中處理兩個版本的殺人經過頗為呼應,但主題未盡吻合。後者的書名雖和電影主軸吻合,內容卻又比前者更偏離。後來又想到描寫探討法律公義及陪審團制度的《十二怒漢》,不過又好像太大路,而且書店也好像沒有這本書。最後店長M提起我們有一本馬丁·麥多納(Martin McDonagh)所著的《枕頭人》(The Pillowman),此劇是一部暗黑寓言劇,故事以作家涉嫌殘殺兒童被逮捕到警局拷問開始。身為天才作家的卡圖蘭(Katurian)擅長撰寫兒童恐怖童話,他所撰寫的故事情節竟然恰巧在現實生活逐一發生。全劇只有四個角色,包括卡圖蘭、作家有智力問題的傻哥哥邁克爾(Michael)、警探圖波斯基(Tupolski)、埃里爾(Ariel)。整套劇都在警局發生,並呈現「拷問」和「回憶」等元素。隨著劇情推進,揭露了卡圖蘭殺死了長期虐待哥哥的雙親,也揭露了殺童兇手竟是傻哥哥邁克爾﹐最後結局就留待讀者到我們書店揭曉了。

這部作品曾奪英美劇界最高獎項,包括2003年獲得Olivier Awards Best New Play,2005年獲得美國戲劇評論圈最佳戲劇獎,以及美國東尼獎Tony Awards六項提名。此劇雖奪得多個獎項,亦引起中國多家演出團體的注意甚至爭奪,但可惜的是因版權問題在2009-2014年這五年間都未能在中國上演。另外值得一提,其實本劇核心希望探討的主題,是各個角色所代表和象徵的社會群體,而並不是單純圍繞劇情表徵所傳遞的,非常值得各位喜歡燒腦的讀者前來細閱。

Product information
ISBN: 9780571220328
Publisher: Faber & Faber
Pub date: 20 Nov 2003
Language: English
Number of pages: 104
Weight: 128g
Dimension: 128mm (W) x 198mm (H)

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